This is the second in our blog series this month, aimed at assisting all our clients – and fellow VAs – to work smarter to work better in 2022. For example, in our last blog, we spoke about the importance of good posture and positioning of your desk and this blog talks about the equally important aspects of stretching and exercise.
You will find you can cope so much better at your desk for long spells if your body is supple and you are in good health. Walking is always a good passive exercise but to keep the body supple we recommend exercise such as Yoga and Pilates in your own time – Yoga for flexibility and Pilates for core body strength. This is essential particularly if you suffer from back or neck problems.
Getting up and stretching between sessions at the computer is also very important. Not only does this give your eyes and brain a rest but it stops your body from going into cramped positions that will eventually take their toll on your muscular-skeletal health. There are in fact several excellent stretches that can be done at your desk, and this is a particularly good article to give you a selection of these – Just a few at a time every couple of hours will really make a difference!
The one kind of stretching you should not do is to stretch yourself to the limits with work that you are not cut out for when you can get good, outsourced services to do it for you.
V-Assist are expert Virtual Assistants with a wide range of services that will ensure you are always working on your business and not in it!
Contact us today and start working smarter to work better in 2022!
I am excited to share that I have joined forces with one of my clients who is an amazing Pilates Instructor – Nathalie Clough from Lifebody. Natalie will be helping with advice and quick short exercises on how to stay fit and healthy in the workplace.
Here is access to her FREE 10 day Quick workout that offers you 10 workouts over a 10 day period. Get FREE access today – to unlock this awesome program click on the link to unlock.
Stay safe, stay supple, healthy – and stay virtual!
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