Virtual Assistant
Picture of Juanita Nieuwoudt
Juanita Nieuwoudt

While you’re away a good VA can keep your business running - Part 4

Our mini-series this month has been all about what Virtual Assistants can do for you when you need to get away at the end of the year for a well-earned break.  Apart from what they can do before you go, like organising gifts for clients and planning your holiday, and while you are away keeping your business running like a well-oiled machine, they can even build your clientele, so you come back to a potentially better business in the new year! 


Really versatile VA’s are also marketing experts, as they run their own businesses online and become well versed in Social Media Marketing.  While you are away, they can be creating and posting articles and Social Media posts for you on various platforms to keep your brand top of mind for your clients and reach potential new clients too!


As they work with so many businesses, Virtual Assistants build a great online network and once they are familiar with what you can do, they could source plenty of new business for you through these contacts.

…and so much more 

In this miniseries, we have just touched the tip of the iceberg and great VAs like V-Assist have a huge range of services at your disposal to keep your business not only running but potentially even growing over the holidays.

So, talk to us and find out for yourself that while you are away a good VA can keep your business running – and even thriving – so happy holidays – and travel safe!

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