Virtual Assistant
Picture of Juanita Nieuwoudt
Juanita Nieuwoudt

While you are away a good VA can keep your business running - Part 2

This series is about the many ways a good Virtual Assistant service can keep your business running in the holiday season so that you can get that well-earned rest!  Part 1 touched on the things a good VA can do before you go planning your trip and managing your year-end corporate gifts, but what can they do more once you have hit the road and let go of the reins?…

A Good VA can keep your business admin in ship-shape while you away

VA’s are Entrepreneurs themselves, so they know exactly what the day to day running of any business requires.  This includes ensuring that admin is kept up to date, like issuing invoices and managing the collection of payments due.  They can also ensure your payroll to staff and suppliers is taken care of – including year-end bonuses etcetera.

A Good VA will keep your communications running

Good VA’s are well versed in Customer Relations Management and communication with clients and communication is one of their strong points.  Not only will they ensure phones and e-mails are answered professionally, but they are even experienced at compiling and distributing newsletters and e-mail promos.  They will do it exactly as if your business has not shut down at all!

Contact the professionals

This is just the tip of the iceberg – so watch this space for more information.  Contact us now to find out how we can keep your business running while you away on holiday and why V-Assist are always around at the end of the year when others take their leave because this is one of our specialist services to our clients! 

So, hire the best and do it soon – time is running out!

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