Our Blog mini-series this month (because it is the month of romance) is designed to try to assist newlyweds who have their sights set on being Entrepreneurs and starting up a new business.
VAs can be of great assistance to start-ups and in this series, we look at some of these. The first cornerstone of the solid foundation of a business is set up and the correct set-up is vitally important. To ensure you get off to a good start these are a few important things to consider…
Set short and long term goals – Decide upon and define exactly what type of business you wish to create – its services or products, its size, modus operandi etc. Then set definite goals to achieve certain milestones within given short and long term periods
Create a team and draw a business plan – Decide who you will need to work with -remembering that as a small business you will be better off outsourcing services at least in the beginning and the best of these is a Virtual Assistant. A good one like V-Assist with a wide range of services and flexibility can be invaluable to assist you to set the business up and run it in the beginning. Draw up a good business plan – a VA can assist with that too.
Get your compliance in order –There is a myriad of documentation, compliances, regulations, licences and much more that need to be sourced, perused, considered, and decided upon – and this is especially where a good Virtual Assistant can be invaluable. Whilst you’re working on more important things, they can be getting this stuff together for you.
Get funding for a reasonable period – One of the main reasons small businesses fail is insufficient funding to see them through difficult times. Ensure you have sufficient funding to cover your expenditure (including what you will need to live on) for at least 6 months.
Get a VA on board – Remember that professional VAs like V-Assist are themselves Entrepreneurs who had to start somewhere so let us guide you and assist you to get set up correctly. This blog is just the tip of the iceberg, so talk to us today as we can help you with every one of the 4 cornerstones of building a new business!
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