Virtual Assistant
Jutta Dudley
Jutta Dudley

What it takes to make a great V.A in 2021!


Many articles have been written about what makes a great V.A. Well to begin with are you even aware of what V.A is? For the uninitiated, a V.A is a Virtual Assistant – yes similar to a P.A, but much more than just a P.A, in that they operate virtually and they don’t need to be employed as full-time staff. Well what it takes to make a great V.A has changed considerably in the last year, so let’s look at what it takes to make a great V.A in 2021…

A great V.A in 2021 needs to be a Virtual virtuoso!

Now in 2021, because we are operating in a much more virtual world – V.As are expected to be much more than they were even at the start of 2020. First of all, they must be fully versed with all the advantages and advancement of a myriad of new online services. They need to actually be able to use these services and offer them to their clients.

Finances are carried out in the cloud now, events are still held (even massive expos) but virtually, as are daily meetings. Training and motivational courses are still run, but online so V.As need to know where to source these resources to use for their clients and improve their client’s way of operating online. 

They need to be versatility virtuosos!

Because so many permanent employees in different fields have had to be retrenched a 2021 version of a great V.A has to be much more than the traditional P.A. They still need to have a high degree of multi-tasking for sure, but they now need to offer a broad range of services – going way beyond what a P.A would ordinarily do. They also tend to have a team of people who can expand that range of services – So a great V.A in 2021 is far more versatile than ever before.

Expanding further on this – great V.As in 2021 are expanding beyond servicing just small businesses (although these will always be considered to be valued clients) and because the virtual world has enabled so many international networking opportunities, they will be operating with international companies (watch out for our next article on our Canadian connections) and businesses in the trades and especially in various industries.

A one-stop ‘Virtual services’ shop

The way many great V.A’s do this is that they become a ‘one-stop shop’ for their clients. They not only save them time and money by doing what they don’t want to do, but also save them the time of sourcing other outsourced services too.

They need to be great networkers and marketers

As previously mentioned, the world has become a much smaller place through virtual networking and so great V.As like V-Assist, with international clients and local clients in small business, the trades, large companies in various industries and many of the professions, consider networking to be of supreme importance.

We are part of the largest international network, B.N.I – and our international connections have helped us to connect our clients with new clients themselves. It requires that you connect with us first though, so don’t hesitate to do so. 

Get first-hand experience today of what it takes to make a great V.A in 2021!


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