As we are now operating in a more virtual world, we thought it appropriate to look into successful sales strategies in a Virtual World. Although we build relationships more than simply sell, there are 3 things about conducting a successful sale that will always apply…
As has often been said – ‘’you have 2 ears and one mouth – use them proportionately.” Let the customer reveal to you what they want. If you let them talk enough, they will often talk themselves into the sale anyway!
Don’t tell people why they need something. Ask them what they need and why. They will soon reveal if they need the product you are selling, or if they simply want it. Remember to sell the dream. What are the benefits and how can it improve their lives?
As we have expressed so many times before, always make sure you deliver exactly what was ordered – if you don’t – you weren’t listening!
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We would like to invite you to tell us how you believe a great virtual Assistant with a wide range of services like V-Assist could help you. What could help you to be working only on your business and not always in it? We are all ears!
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