Tell us about your family (human and fur family members)?
My family is a delightful mix of human and fur members, each with their own quirks. My loving mom, at a fabulous 73, is living her best life on a farm with my aunt—happy, healthy, and probably keeping the chickens in line. My younger brother is two years my junior and somewhere in Johannesburg. He hasn’t spoken to me in 8 years, but bless him, I still love him and hope he’s doing well (and maybe still hasn’t found that “reply” button).
Now, let’s talk about the love of my life, Morné—my “extra rib,” or Beks as I like to call him. We met on Elite Singles 8 years ago, proving that swiping right and saying “Hello” can lead to forever. Together, we share our home with three incredibly fluffy, four-legged daughters: Mia, the wise old lady at 19; Bella, the 8-year-old diva; and Lola, our 4-month-old ball of energy who thinks sleep is for the weak. They’re all rescues, and each one has stolen a piece of our hearts—fur, wet nose kisses, and all.
But wait, there’s more! My in-laws add an extra dash of flavour to this mix. My mother-in-law, at 77, is the queen of mosaic pots and makes oxtail that could win awards. My father-in-law, at 83, is a legend in his own right, with a passion for old western movies and an unexpected love for YouTube cooking channels. If you ever need to know how to make a curry prawn dish while watching Clint Eastwood ride into the sunset, he’s your guy!
What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend?
In a perfect world, my weekends would look a little different—less transcribing and tackling client projects, and more indulging in pure bliss. Picture this: sitting in the Bosveld, surrounded by nature, where the only thing I’m typing is a message saying, “Sorry, I’m out of the office!” If I’m not soaking in the wilderness, I might be channeling my inner artisan, making a little bear from scratch, getting tangled up in macrame (hopefully not literally), or doing some gardening and trying not to murder the plants. And if all else fails, there’s always the ultimate weekend plan—sipping Gin and Pink Tonic water while chatting nonsense with the girls, solving all the world’s problems one laugh at a time.
If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be and how would you use it?
If I could have any superpower for a day, I’d choose the ability to freeze time—because let’s face it, this Pisces with OCD tendencies and a workaholic streak could really use a pause button! I’d start my day by sleeping in (finally!), then spend some quality time organizing the world to my liking. Imagine the joy of perfectly aligned pencils and a spotless workspace without the clock ticking away.
After that, I’d transport myself to a serene forest, surrounded by animals and nature, enjoying the peace while the world stands still. And, oh, the possibilities for dealing with bullies and traffic! A well-timed freeze and I’d gently nudge the bullies into a compassion workshop and rearrange traffic jams into perfect order—no more morning chaos! All in all, it would be a day of peace, productivity, and a world exactly as it should be—at least for 24 hours!
Is there a hobby you’ve always wanted to try? If yes, what?
I’ve always wanted to master macrame without ending up in a knot, and play the violin or cello—even if I sound like a cat in a wind chime. If you catch me tangled in cords trying to play a tune, just know I’m living my best hobby-filled life!
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Mornings aren’t for me, but at night, I’m in my element. While others sleep, I’m busy with work and ideas. If you need morning energy, look elsewhere; but for late-night creativity, I’m your person!
What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done?
What’s the most adventurous thing I’ve done? Oh, you mean things, plural? Let’s see. I’ve walked on hot coals—because apparently, my feet were feeling too cosy that day. No, it was actually a team-building exercise. I’ve gone abseiling and cried all the way down, which made me wonder if the rope was supposed to be this wet. Another team-building event. Then I met Morne, and our relationship has been one wild, ongoing adventure—no safety harness needed! He keeps me safe. And just to up the ante, I started my own business as a Virtual Assistant, which includes the thrill of trying to explain to people what that even means. Turns out, explaining the internet to your grandma might be easier sometimes as they get confuse with AI and VA!
What’s your favourite type of food?
What’s my favourite type of food? That’s like asking a parent to pick their favourite child—but let’s be real, there are definitely some standouts. I’m all about a juicy steak smothered in mushroom sauce—because why eat a plain steak when you can elevate it to greatness? Then there’s bean soup, which is basically a warm hug in a bowl. A hearty Boere Sunday roast? Yes, please! Boere Kerrie en Rys and Bobotie? Absolutely—because when it comes to traditional dishes, I believe in going all in. Honestly, if it’s well-prepared and delicious, I’m there with a fork in hand, ready to make it my new favourite!
All-time favourite movie(s)?
Again it is like trying to pick a favorite child—or in this case, favourite emotional rollercoaster. PS I Love You? It’s my go-to when I feel like crying over someone else’s heartbreak for a change. All the Harry Potters? They’re perfect for when I need a little magic in my life and an excuse to say “accio remote!” Twilight? Don’t judge—I’m all for watching sparkly vampires and moody werewolves duke it out over an indecisive teenager. The Fault in Our Stars? It’s my go-to for a good, soul-cleansing sob fest. Eat Pray Love makes me dream of running away to find myself… or at least find a pizza. And of course, Fast and Furious—all of them! Because sometimes, you just need to watch things go really fast, blow up, and defy all the laws of physics and Vin Diesel is my “Hall Pass”
The last book you read or currently reading?
Conversations with God
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